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Polypropylene film HANAMI Gloss

The laminating film Hanami GLOSS


1. Specification

  • Thickness: 25 microns
  • Beam length: 3000 mb per roll
  • Available widths: 250 mm - 1010 mm  - Other sizes available upon request
  • Each roll packed in a cardboard box
  • Each roll wrapped in film
  • Core paper (thimble) with a diameter of 77mm (three inches)

2. Properties

  • Laminating film for hot lamination
  • High transparency film with applied on one side thermo-active glue and one side gloss suitable for UV coating and hot-stamping
  • Refines printed film sheet, featuring details and boosts color
  • Protects work from mechanical, chemical and moisture factors
  • Film is certified and allowed for contact with food

3. Application

  • The film is designed for processing the printed surface of the paper used for such further processing, as covers, binders, folders, promotional products, packaging, etc.
  • The recommended temperature for the lamination: 90 ° C - 120 ° C
  • Proper lamination of sheets will cause the contraction of the film by +/- 2mm
  • Example of a correctly set lamination machine: 110 ° C , pressure 150 kg / cm, lamination speed 30m/min

4. Recommendation

  • The film should be stored in a dry and cool place
  • For longer storage the film should be kept in an upright position
  • It is recommended to always make safety tests and checking the quality of lamination
  • Prior to lamination, carefully check the state of the print ( paper type , print mode , print drying stage , the amount of powder , etc.)
  • The film shows sufficient adhesion almost immediately after lamination - this allows for easy quality control
  • After lamination, there is the possibility of subjecting laminated prints to the following treatment processes ( folding, folding, die cutting, calendering, selective UV varnish, etc.) however, a 24 -hour storage of  work in the same room production (due to the constant temperature ) .
  • Prior to lamination, it is recommended to store the paper sheets in the production room min 12 hours.


Polypropylene film HANAMI Mat

The laminating film Hanami Matt


1. Specification

  • Thickness: 27 microns
  • Beam length: 2750 mb per roll
  • Available widths: 250 mm - 1010 mm  - Other sizes available upon request
  • Each roll packed in a cardboard box
  • Each roll wrapped in film
  • Core paper (thimble) with a diameter of 77mm (three inches)

2. Properties

  • Laminating film for hot lamination
  • High transparency film with applied on one side thermo-active glue and one side matt suitable for UV coating and hot-stamping
  • Refines printed film sheet, featuring details and boosts color
  • Protects work from mechanical, chemical and moisture factors
  • Film is certified and allowed for contact with food

3. Application

  • The film is designed for processing the printed surface of the paper used for such further processing, as covers, binders, folders, promotional products, packaging, etc.
  • The recommended temperature for the lamination: 90° C - 120 ° C
  • Proper lamination of sheets will cause the contraction of the film by +/- 2mm
  • Example of a correctly set lamination machine: 110° C, pressure 150 kg / cm, lamination speed 30m/min

4. Recommendation

  • The film should be stored in a dry and cool place
  • For longer storage the film should be kept in an upright position
  • It is recommended to always make safety tests and checking the quality of lamination
  • Prior to lamination, carefully check the state of the print ( paper type , print mode , print drying stage , the amount of powder , etc.)
  • The film shows sufficient adhesion almost immediately after lamination - this allows for easy quality control
  • After lamination, there is the possibility of subjecting laminated prints to the following treatment processes ( folding, folding, die cutting, calendering, selective UV varnish, etc.) however, a 24 -hour storage of  work in the same room production (due to the constant temperature ).
  • Prior to lamination, it is recommended to store the paper sheets in the production room min 12 hours.


Polypropylene film HANAMI Silk

The laminating film Hanami Silk


1. Specification

  • Thickness: 36 microns
  • Beam length: 1000 mb per roll
  • Available widths: 320, 430, 490, 600, 620, 690, 695mm.
  • Each roll packed in a cardboard box
  • Each roll wrapped in film
  • Core paper (thimble) with a diameter of 77mm (three inches)

2. Properties

  • Laminating film for hot lamination
  • High transparency film with applied on one side thermo-active glue and one side matt suitable for UV coating and hot-stamping
  • Refines printed film sheet, featuring details and boosts color
  • Protects work from mechanical, chemical and moisture factorsFilm is certified and allowed for contact with food

3. Application

  • The film is designed for processing the printed surface of the paper used for such further processing, as covers, binders, folders, promotional products, packaging, etc.
  • The recommended temperature for the lamination: 95°C.
  • Proper lamination of sheets will cause the contraction of the film by +/- 2mm


4. Recommendation

  • The film should be stored in a dry and cool place
  • For longer storage the film should be kept in an upright position
  • It is recommended to always make safety tests and checking the quality of lamination
  • Prior to lamination, carefully check the state of the print ( paper type , print mode , print drying stage , the amount of powder , etc.)
  • The film shows sufficient adhesion almost immediately after lamination - this allows for easy quality control
  • After lamination, there is the possibility of subjecting laminated prints to the following treatment processes ( folding, folding, die cutting, calendering, selective UV varnish, etc.) however, a 24 -hour storage of  work in the same room production (due to the constant temperature ) .
  • Prior to lamination, it is recommended to store the paper sheets in the production room min 12 hours.



Polypropylene film HANAMI Ultrabond

The laminating film Hanami Ultrabond (Digital) Gloss and Matt

1. Specification

  • Thickness: 32 microns
  • Beam length: 1000 mb per roll
  • Available widths: 320mm
  • Each roll packed in a cardboard box
  • Each roll wrapped in film
  • Core paper (thimble) with a diameter of 77mm (three inches)

2. Properties

  • Laminating film for hot lamination
  • High transparency film with applied on one side thermo-active glue and one side suitable for UV coating and hot-stamping
  • Refines printed film sheet, featuring details and boosts color
  • Protects work from mechanical, chemical and moisture factors
  • Film is certified and allowed for contact with food

Polypropylene film HANAMI Hologram

The laminating film Hanami Hologram

1. Specyfikacja

  • Thickness: 38 microns
  • Beam length: 1000 mb per roll
  • Available widths: 490 mm  - Other sizes available upon request
  • Each roll packed in a cardboard box
  • Each roll wrapped in film
  • Core paper (thimble) with a diameter of 77mm (three inches)

2. Properties

  • Laminating film for hot lamination
  • High transparency film with applied on one side thermo-active glue and one side matt suitable for UV coating and hot-stamping
  • Refines printed film sheet, featuring details and boosts color
  • Protects work from mechanical, chemical and moisture factors
  • Film is certified and allowed for contact with food
  • The recommended temperature for the lamination: 90°C - 95°C

Polypropylene film HANAMI Anti-scratch

Folia polipropylenowa Hanami odporna na zarysowania MATT

1. Specyfikacja

  • grubość: 30 mikrony
  • nawój: 3000 mb na roli
  • dostępna szerokość: 690 mm.
  • każda rola folii zapakowana w karton
  • każda rola owinięta folią
  • tuleja papierowa (gilza) o średnicy 77mm (trzy cale)

2. Właściwości

  • folia do zastosowania techniką laminacji na gorąco
  • folia o powierzchni odpornej na zadrapania i zarysowania.
  • zabezpiecza prace przed czynnikami mechanicznymi, chemicznymi i wilgocią
  • folia uszlachetnia zadrukowany arkusz, uwypukla szczegóły i podbija barwy


Zastosowanie folii

Folia przeznaczona jest do uszlachetniania zadrukowanych powierzchni arkusza papieru wykorzystywanego do dalszej obróbki, np. na okładki, segregatory, teczki, produkty reklamowe, opakowania itp. Zalecana temperatura laminowania: 90°C – 120°C.
W wyniku prawidłowego zalaminowania arkusza skurczenie się folii naniesionej na arkusz powinno wynieść +/- 2mm, (różnica w rozmiarze folii na roli, a rozmiarze folii na zalaminowanym arkuszu).
Przykład prawidłowego ustawienia foliarki: temp. 110°C, docisk 150 kg/cm, prędkość laminowania 30m/min

Zalecenia jakościowe

Folię należy przechowywać w suchym i chłodnym miejscu. Przy dłuższym przechowywaniu, folię należy przechowywać w pozycji pionowej. Dla bezpieczeństwa pracy, zaleca się każdorazowo aby dokonywać próby i sprawdzenia jakości laminowania. Przed laminowaniem należy dokładnie dokonać kontroli stanu wydruku (rodzaj papieru, sposób zadruku, stopień wyschnięcia wydruku, ilość proszku itp.). Folia wykazuje dostateczne przyleganie prawie niezwłocznie po laminacji, co pozwala na łatwą kontrolę jakości. Po laminowaniu istnieje możliwość poddawania laminowanych wydruków następnym procesom obróbki (bigowanie, falcowanie, sztancowanie, kalandrowanie, lakierowanie UV wybiórcze itp.), jednakże zaleca się 24 godzinne sezonowanie pracy najlepiej w tym samym pomieszczeniu produkcyjnym (ze względu na stałą temperaturę). Przed laminowaniem zaleca się, aby arkusze papieru przechowywać w pomieszczeniu produkcyjnym przez min. 12 godzin.